Purchasing A New Auto Insurance Policy? Three Reasons Why You Should Spring For Towing Coverage
Posted on: 11 December 2019
When buying a new car insurance policy it's always best to think as far into the future as you possibly can. Liability coverage is the foundation of the policy but there are other options that you definitely don't want to leave on the table. The representative will probably ask if you would like to include towing coverage in your policy and if you're short on cash you might turn it down. However, if you don't take advantage of the opportunity to add towing protection to your insurance package right now you might regret it later. Listed below are three important reasons why you should add towing coverage to your new auto policy.
There Could Be A Waiting Period
Some parts of your car insurance policy will go into effect immediately while other portions have a waiting period. Many insurers will only cover immediate towing emergencies if you included the protection from the very start of your policy. If your car breaks down and you try to add towing coverage at that time you might find out that you won't be able to use the protection until a later date.
It's best to add towing protection from the moment you bind the policy. If you do find yourself on the side of the road you'll be glad that you made the choice!
Towing Protection Is Typically Very Affordable
Towing coverage is often one of the most affordable parts of a car insurance policy. You can have the peace of mind that comes with the protection for basically pennies each day.
Take a few minutes to think about how much it would cost to have your car towed to the mechanic. Do you think you will be able to produce that much money on the spot? If not, it's best to have the towing coverage so you won't have to come up with such a large amount of money on short notice.
Get Help With Other Car-Related Issues
When you have towing protection it covers much more than what you see on the surface. You may be eligible for fuel in case you run out of gas, a jump if your battery conks out and help with changing a flat tire.
Take advantage of every form of protection that your insurer has to offer. Include towing coverage in your insurance plan so you'll be ready no matter where the road happens to take you.